To pay individuals using Triblock's autogenerated bank files, employees need to have their banking information entered into the system. To add the banking information for a new employee, first navigate to their profile.
On the navigation bar to the right of the profile photo, you will see tabs that say 'Employment Info', 'Documents', 'Timesheets', etc. Scroll to the right of that bar.
Click on the 'More' button and click where it says 'Bank Accounts'. This will navigate you to the page where you can view existing banking information and add new banking information if needed.
Click the 'Add Bank Accounts' button and fill in the required fields.
- Account Type: Is the account a loan, savings or checking account?
- Account Number: The account number of this account.
- Bank: The Bank for this account (RBC, ScotiaBank, CIBC).
- Bank Branch: The location of the Bank Branch (Wulff Rd., Palmdale, Soldier Rd.)
- Type: Is the amount going to this account a percentage of their net pay or is it a fixed deduction?
- Amount: The percentage or fixed dollar amount.
- Status: Is the bank account still active or is it inactive?
Once the fields are filled in, click the 'Create Account' button.