To assign an allowance to an employee you need to first navigate to the People module and select the employee you would like to assign the allowance to. Click on their profile so you are taken to their 360 view.
In their 360 view, select the allowance tab. It is in the same navigation bar that has the employment info and documents tabs. Click the 'create user allowance' button to create a allowance for that person.
Here you will have a fillable form with several fields.
- Allowance Type (required): The name of your allowance
- Description (required): Any additional information on the allowance
- Effective Date (required): When the allowance will start being applied
- End Date: When the allowance will stop being applied
- Assign default allowance values: If enabled, default values from the allowance type will be assigned
- Type (required): Whether the deduction is a fixed dollar amount or percentage amount
- Amount (required): The amount to be added to the employee's pay
- Payments Limit: The max number of times this allowance can be taken.
After inputting the fields with your data you can click the 'create user allowance' button to make the changes go live