How to bulk upload employee allowances?

The bulk import allowances feature allows you to edit the allowance amount for every employee included in a pay run. To navigate to this option, click on the drop down menu on the pay run page.

Next click on the 'Bulk Import Allowances' button. It will take you to the page where you must now select the allowance type and download the template. 

 Once you select the allowance type the template will be there for you to download and from there you will need to input the allowance dollar amount for each employee. A photograph of the template is shown below:

The only column that needs to be filled in is the 'Amount' column. Input the dollar amount for each employee that you wish to bulk update. For any employees that you wish to exclude, just leave their amount blank.

Next, download the excel file, and upload the file by clicking on the 'Browse' button as shown below.

When you click the import allowance button, those allowances will populate the pay run slots for underneath the allowance pay category.