How to create a course? / What is the learning module?

The learning module is where administrators are able to upload course material for employees to go through if needed.

To create a course, you must first navigate to the settings module found in the navigation bar on the left hand side. There, scroll until you see the Learning Management section and click the 'create a course' button.

This takes you to the create a course page where you need to fill in a few fields.


  • Name: The name of the course
  • Author: The author of the course
  • Department: The department to offer the course to
  • Course Status: Is the course accessible or not
  • Description: Any extra information about the course
  • Course Topics: Topics covered in the course

Once you are finished click the add skills button to be redirected to the next portion that you need to fill out, the skills section.

Select a skill from the dropdown menu and add the skill level. To add more skills click the 'add skill' button directly below the dropdown menu. If the desired skill is not on the list then you can create it by typing 'create a skill' in the search bar and clicking that option. It will allow you to create a skill on the page it directs you to.


Lastly, you have one more area to fill out, the 'sections' section.


  • Section Title: Name of section
  • Section Description: Any important information about section

When done filling the fields, click the 'add section' button right below the section description. This will add the changes to the area below the form. To add more you need to replace the information in the fields and click the 'add section' button again.

Now that your section is added in you can either add a lesson or a quiz. To do that click the 'add content' button as seen below.

Making a Lesson

Lessons allow you to upload files, videos and articles for the student to view.


  • Lesson Title: The title of the lesson

  • Video Link: YouTube or Vimeo link to lesson video

  • Upload Lesson Attachment: Any additional files needed to be attached to the lesson

  • Lesson Article: Any text related to the lesson

Next, press the save button below.

Making a Quiz

Quizzes are essentially questions that you ask the employees based on what they would have learned from the video or other resource that you provided.


  • Question: The question being asked.
  • Choices: The answers available to choose from. You can add as many choices to the list, by selecting the 'add choice' button.
  • Select Answer: The correct answer out of the above choices.

When you're done click the save button.


When you're ready to make the course live, click the Final Preview button to take a look at how the course would look to anyone enrolled, and lastly create the course.