Pay periods can be created well in advance and opened when needed. This also affects timesheets as a timesheet can only be created when there is an open pay period that the current day falls in between. For example if a pay period is between July 15th, 2022, and July 31st, 2022. If an employee attempts to create a timesheet on August 1st those hours would be applied to a pay period for August if one is available.
To create a pay period navigate to the pay periods module in the navigation bar on the left hand side and click the 'create pay period' button on the right hand side.
Here you enter in the start and end date of the pay period as long as a description about what pay runs it is being used for.
Afterwards, click the 'create pay period' button and your pay period will show up on the list of pay periods.
Pay Period Status
There are 3 different statuses that a pay period can have, pending, open, closed.
Pending means that the pay period has been created but is not yet ready to be used for payroll and timesheets.
Open means that the pay period is ready to be used for pay runs and timesheets, this period will be available to choose on the pay run and timesheet creation forms.
Closed means that this pay period is closed and will not be available for further use.