An allowance is an amount that you can add onto an employee's gross income. This is created directly from the settings module by an administrator.
To set up an allowance first you need to navigate to the payroll settings page, by clicking settings in the navigation bar on the left hand side. Your payroll settings should be visible without having to scroll.
Click the 'create an allowance' button and it will redirect you to the page where you can create a new allowance. There will be several fillable fields for you.
- Name: The name of your allowance
- GL-Code: The general ledger code used by your organization's accounting software
- Description: Any additional info on the allowance
- Type: Whether the allowance is a fixed dollar or a percentage amount
- Amount: The amount to be added to the employee's pay
After filling in the required fields, click the 'create allowance' button to make your change go live.