To update a bank branch, first you need to navigate to the bank settings by clicking settings in the navigation bar on the left hand side. Your bank settings should be visible at the top left of the screen.
Click on this button and it will take you to the bank settings. To update a bank branch to the existing list of bank branches, you need to first switch from the bank settings to the branch settings. You can do this by clicking the branch button as shown below.
From this page, click on the bank branch that you wish to update and it will take you to the update branch page. Here you will have several fields to fill.
- Banks (required): The bank that the branch is being added to
- Name (required): The name of the bank branch
- Routing Number (required):The routing number of the branch
- Alternate Routing Number: An alternative routing number for the branch
- Status: Is the bank branch active or inactive
After editing the desired fields, you can click the 'update branch' button in order to make your changes go live.