How to view deduction reports?

In terms of deductions, you have several reports to look at:

  • Employee Deductions Report
  • Employee Pay slip Deductions Report
  • Pay slip Deductions Totals Report
  • Employee Debt to Service Ratio Report

You are able to view these reports by first navigating to the reports module. It is found in the navigation bar on the left hand side. Once there, scroll until you see the deductions section. It should look like the example below.

Click on any one to view that report.

Employee Deductions Report

This report shows the user deductions that were created. It has information on the deduction name, employee amount, employer amount, effective date, end date, max payments, total payments amount and a count of the total payments.

You are also able to filter and sort based on different factors. Once you've completed doing so, you are able to save it to your local device by pressing the 'download' button.

Employee Pay slip Deductions Report

This report shows every time a deduction has been applied on a pay slip. It includes information on the pay date, employee name, employee amount, employer amount, deduction name, effective date and end date.

You are also able to filter and sort based on different factors. Once you've completed doing so, you are able to save it to your local device by pressing the 'download' button.

Pay slip Deduction Total Report

This report shows each deduction name that is in the system, the total paid out within a given pay period(s) and the total covered by the employer.

You are also able to filter and sort based on different factors. Once you've completed doing so, you are able to save it to your local device by pressing the 'download' button.

Employee Debt-to-Service Ratio Report

The employee debt-to-service ratio is the percent of deductions paid out by the employee over their gross pay. You can view this for one or more payroll cycles.

You are also able to filter and sort based on different factors. Once you've completed doing so, you are able to save it to your local device by pressing the 'download' button.