Your pay slip has several sections containing different pieces of information:
- Employee and Payroll Information
- Company Information
- Employee Banks
- Pay Breakdown
- Time Off Balances
Employee and Payroll Info
Here is a description of the different fields:
- Employee: The employee number and name.
- Department: The employee department.
- Period: The Payroll pay period name.
- Description: The Payroll description.
- Pay Date: The Payroll pay date.
- Hourly Rate: The employee hourly rate.
- Annual Salary: The employee annual salary.
Company Info
This area shows the Company name, location and phone number.
Employee Banks
From your net pay, money gets sent to the bank accounts that have been set up for your profile. First money gets taken out for any fixed dollar accounts (like a loan bank account), then the remaining goes to any other bank accounts set up.
The pay slip shows you:
- Name: Employee name.
- Bank: Bank name.
- Type: Bank type (savings, checking, loan).
- Account #: Bank account number.
- Amount: Total being sent to that bank account.
Pay Breakdown
The Pay Breakdown shows you what makes up your net pay amount.
- Type: The different categories (salary, allowances, deductions, etc.)
- Hours: The hours set for each type.
- Current: The amount being added or subtracted to your total pay for each type.
- YTD: The total contributions from each type for the year (year-to-date totals).
Time off Balances
The pay slip also shows the number of days you have remaining for each of the different time off types.