The Payroll Clerk is a view only version of the Payroll Administrator, meaning that they can see most of the things that the Payroll Administrator has access to but not actually edit those features.
The modules that the HR Clerk Role gives you access to are:
- Documents
- Forms
- Pay Runs
- Pay Slips
- Timeclock History
- Timesheets
- Invoices
- People
- Timeoffs
- Company Directory
- Learning
- Browse Courses
- My Courses
- Rewards & Recognitions
- Recognitions
- Rewards
- My Rewards
- Reports
- Performance
Access Specific to Payroll
Reports - Payroll administrators have access to the following reports
- Employees - Organizational Chart, Employee List, Terminated Employees, Employee Count, Employee Shifts, Employee Changes
- Payroll - Employee Payroll, Employee Payroll Payment Cycle, Employee Compensation History, NIB C10, Employee Bank Accounts, Payroll Register, Payroll Bank Accounts, Payroll Compare, Payroll Aggregate
- Deductions - Employee Deductions, Employee Payslip Deductions, Payslip Deduction Totals, Employee Debt to Service Ratio
- Allowances - Employee Allowances, Employee Payslip Allowances. Payslip Allowance Totals
- Time - Employee Timeoffs, Employee Time Off Balances, Employee Hours Clocked
- Other - Open Positions