A To-Do List allows you to compile a list of deliverables for employees to complete. This list shows up on the employee's dashboard and they are able to check items as done, as they complete each one.
To create a To-Do List, navigate to the To-Do Lists module and click the 'create to-do list' button.
This takes you to the page where you can fill in the different To-Do List fields.
- Name: The name/title of the to-do list.
- Description: A description of the to-do list, summarizing what it is about and what is in it.
- To-Do Items: Any deliverables to be included in the To-Do list.
Once you've filled in the required fields, click the 'create to-do list' button and your To-Do List will be usable.
Assigning To-Do List to Employees.
For the To-Do List to be added to an employee's dashboard you need to assign them to it. On the To-Do List module, click the assignees button for the To-Do List that you wish to add.
This allows you to see everyone who has had the to-do list assigned to them as well as add additional assignees.
Once you click on the 'add assignees' button it directs you to a drop down box which allows you to select everyone that you wish to add.
From there, once you've selected the desired individuals, click the 'add assignees' button and your changes will be made live.