What is an employee document? How to create an employee document?

An employee document or a personal document is a file viewable only to a particular person in the organization. Typically documents will be organized with folders to be more accessible.  You can view an employee's documents by first clicking on their profile in the people's module.

Doing this will take you to the employee profile where you will then click on the documents tab. Alternatively, you can use the search feature in the header to find the employee before navigating to the documents tab.

Afterwards, click the 'create document' button to begin filling out the necessary fields.


  • Name: The name field will be the name of your document. (Required)*
  • Description: The description field will be the description of your document. (Required)*
  • Folder: Documents can be placed inside a personal folder.
  • File: Upload a file. (Required)*
  • Document Type: Select a file type. (Required)*
  • Expiration Date: The date when the file expires. This sends a notification when the file is expired and needs renewing.

The department will be set to the department that the employee belongs to and the visibility will be set to private since it is a personal folder. 

After you have finished, you can press the 'create document' button and your folder will then become readily accessible.