How to schedule a performance review?


  1. Ensure there is a performance review template created in Settings. (See: Create a performance review template)
    • Settings > Performance > Create Performance Template
  2. Ensure the user that is scheduling a performance review has subordinates, or their role is set to System Administrator or HR Administrator.

Side Note: If a  System Administrator or HR Administrator does not have subordinates, they can schedule reviews for any employee. However, that review will still be executed by the employee's direct manager.


First, navigate to the performance module found in the navigation bar to the left hand side. Next, click on schedule review.

Here you are able to fill in several fields before being able to send out the scheduled review.


  • Select Review Template: The review template to be sent out to the employee and their manager.
  • Select Employee(s): The employee(s) to fill out the review.
  • Due Date: The date when the performance review must be submitted.
  • Final Sign Off By Head of HR: If enabled, the head of HR needs to sign off for the review to be complete.
  • Filters: Alternative to the select employee field. Send out the review to all employees that fall underneath the filters applied.

Afterwards, you can select schedule review successfully.